Wednesday, June 9, 2010

33 weeks

Well, I am 33 weeks pregnant and I feel huge. I think 9 months is a long time, but then I also think how fast it has flown by. Everything is going well so far. I am still able to teach my yoga and cycle classes which I feel is wonderful. I always feel a lot better after I exercise. I am definitely grateful that everything has gone well. I think of all the complications that can go on with being pregnant and I feel very blessed. Some of you may know what I am referring to with my car accident I was in 11 years ago and I am just so thankful I can be a mom and that I haven't had any complications. That my life was spared and I have the opportunity to enjoy many of the wonderful things in life.


  1. You sure don't look huge! So glad all is well and hopefully it will continue!

  2. Stop it with the "huge" thoughts! You look great and might be the cutest mommy to be ever! Way to go with the yoga classes. I realize that exercise takes a lot of dedication while you are pregnant cause resting always sounds more appealing to me!

  3. You look adorable!!! And no not huge, although I know you probably feel it. I know I always feel/felt like that and then look back and I wasn't that big. I'm so excited for you! I hope things continue to go great for you!

  4. Oh honey you need to look the word "huge" up in the dictionary. It's like the exact opposite of you :) You are such a cute prego!! I'm glad you can still keep up with your classes. That's awesome! Can't wait to see this new little cutie!! It's coming so soon. I don't know why but your pregnancy has seemed to fly for me. Oh yeah, now I remember! Because you waited until like 25 weeks to tell me... (no I have not forgotten :)

  5. Ah! You look AMAZING Ashlee!
