Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crash Landing

Just a couple of days ago, Chris, Kelli and I were in mine and Chris' room. Kelli really likes to jump off of our bed and have me catch her. I was standing a few feet from the bed and carrying on a conversation with Chris. In the meantime, Kelli climbs on the bed. I was not even looking at her. My attention was focused at my husband. All of the sudden, I feel this body slam into me and then a big thud on the ground. Kelli was on the ground crying and looking at me like I was a terrible person. I felt really bad. We just kept telling her, "What a good jump!" It really was a good jump, I just was not one bit prepared or warned that Kelli was going to jump at me.


  1. Oh man, I can only imagine the surprise. I hope she continues to jump!

  2. Ha Ha! I am sure it was sad in real life, but it sure was funny in my head! Kelli sounds like a fun little girl.

  3. I was laughing too, but then thought maybe I shouldn't have. Too Cute!
