Friday, June 22, 2012

Update on Carson

Well, I would have to say thanks to everyone for all their suggestions on how to help my son go to bed.  They have all been very helpful.  It has been working out better.  I have just had to put him in his bed and lock the door.  Most of the time he would cry, pound on the door, or just play in his room for like an hour.  Then eventually he would either fall asleep by the door or in his bed. 

Well, at the beginning of the week, Carson started to figure out how to unlock his door.  He was thinking he was pretty cool that he figured out how to get out of his room and of course he won't go to sleep when he can constantly get out of his room.  And we don't have perfectly round door knobs, so the child proof door knob covers won't work.  Anyway, so guess what I did... we changed the door knob around, so the lock is on the outside.  What a mean mom I am.  Well, it works.  At least he stays in his room and eventually goes to sleep 

Here Carson is asleep on the floor by the door.  Don't worry, I didn't leave him there.  I picked him up and put him in his bed.


  1. Oh man, I feel your pain. My little Ian is in the same boat. I might have to steal your idea and switch my door knobs around too! -Andy

  2. That is clever! I like your posts about Carson because Ryker is so much the same. I'm dreading when we put Ryk in a toddler bed instead of a crib.
