Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sorry and It's Just Fine

Kelli is in this funny new phase where she apologizes for everything and almost everything is just fine. Sometimes I get after Kelli and I tell her not to do something, she will say, "I'm sorry mommy." Sometimes when she is in big trouble and I put her in time out, she will sit in the corner crying and yelling, "I'm just sorry mommy!" She repeats it over and over. It's kind of sad. I just want to immediately take her out of time out and tell her it's ok, but it probably won't teach her anything.

Also, a lot of times Kelli will run up to something she is not supposed to play with or do something she knows she is not supposed to do. I tell her not to play with that and she says back to me, "It's just fine." Then I say, trying not to laugh, "It's not just fine. We shouldn't play with that." She will just repeat back, "It's just fine."

In a way, she taught me a lesson that sometimes it really is "just fine." I feel that a lot of times in my life I get really worked up and stressed or worried. I just need to sit back, breathe, and say to myself, "It's just fine." Anyway, that is my random thought for the day.


  1. Amen! I don't have kids of my own, but I am responsible for 25 kids everyday. I get so stressed and worried about their behavior. I have learned to let a lot of things go cause "it's just fine"!

  2. She's a smart cookie!

    I am requesting pictures of your new place...it makes me feel closer to getting my own place one day.

  3. She is so so funny. I still can't believe how well she is able to communicate with adults.

  4. Cute!!! I can't imagine your agony of listening to here say "I'm sorry" over and over!!!

  5. That is a very good point. I often get worked up over little things and need to stop myself and say "It's just fine!" I would also like to request photos of your home. I still need to make my way up to Salt Lake and visit ya! Are you going to Gunnison for Labor Day weekend? I will probably be there sometime during the weekend. Let me know and we can get together and catch up on things! :)
