Friday, June 26, 2009

It's Official

It's now official. Kelli is potty trained! Horray! I love the fact that I don't have to buy diapers. She has been great for the last couple weeks. I still put her in pull ups at night when she goes to bed, but during the day, she wears her underwear. I can't believe how fast Kelli is growing up. Time sure flies. I thought when I was potty training her, that it would never end. Then all of the sudden it clicked. Here is Kelli happy that she has underwear.


  1. Hooray! That is great! That'll really save you some money. Do you still live in the same apartment by the U of U or have you guys moved to a new place? ( I like the color of your walls!)

  2. Way to go Kelli!! I am so proud of you.
    You are growing up too fast.

  3. Hey! I'm so glad you found me. It will be cool to keep track of one another. Hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog too. Also, congrats on the potty training. It's as much an accomplishment for you as Kelli :)

  4. yay for Kelli!!!!!! And congrats to Chris and Ashlee! No more diapers! Awesome :)

  5. No more diapers! Lucky! BTW, where are you guys going to be for the 4th? Tawnya and Spencer and I are coming to Utah. It would be great to see you, Chris and Keli, but we understand if this time doesn't work out.

  6. Congrats what a challenge it is! Just wanted to say hello, we are starting to blog and I added you to mine it is, I hope all is going well, tell your family hi, we are living with family out of the village searching for a home,
    Nicole Chandler

  7. Yeah! That is awesome that you are closing on a condo! Wow! The next time I come up to salt lake, I will make a special trip over to draper to see your new home! Jared and I just talked to a loan officer to see what we could qualify for. (Step #1). It's exciting! I cannot wait to see your new home. I just know it will be so cute and the kind of home that EVERYONE will feel so welcome in! I just love ya, Ash! :)

  8. Yay! Congrats to Kelli and that's awesome for you guys too! Just one thing... what is that GHOST looking thing in the right corner of the picture??
