Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

This post has definitely taken me a while. Valentine's Day was sure fun. The night before, we all went to the stake Valentine dinner. They served Cafe Rio. It was really good. Then, Chris, Kelli and I went out for ice cream. After that, we came home and got Kelli to bed. Then Chris and I sat down and watched a movie. On Valentine's Day morning, I made a yummy breakfast. Kelli loved playing with all the hearts I put on the floor. Chris and I gave her a light up bracelet and some M&Ms. Thanks Mom for the cute shirt you gave Kelli.

Chris got me some roses. They were so pretty. I had to take some pictures of them. You could almost watch the roses grow, they bloomed so fast.

1 comment:

  1. What darling pictures and beautiful roses!! I think Kelli likes to have her picture taken.
    You are an awesome Mother!! Luv. Mom
