Monday, August 13, 2012

The Count of Monte Cristo

I just finished reading probably the longest book in the whole world, the Count of Monte Cristo, which was about 3500 pages on my ipad.   I just loved this book.  I can see why so many people hated the movie.  I loved the movie, I think only because I saw it before I read the book.  Now that I have read the book, it makes sense to me why so many people hated the movie.  The movie is completely different than the book.  And the book is wwaaaaaaayyyyy better than the movie.  Anyway, have any of you read the Count of Monte Cristo, (long version)?  If so, what did you think?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Ashlee's Wet Canvas

I have another blog that shows many of my oil paintings and progress on my current oil paintings.  Please feel free to check it out and give me critiques.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Carson's 2!

Carson is now 2 years old!  Crazy!  He turned 2 on the 1st.  Carson loved his birthday.  He loves his presents and loved his birthday cake.

Here is the amazing cake!  Not really.  I am terrible at making cakes, but my kids seem to love it and I enjoy it too, so why not try.

Opening presents...

Carson loves this toy.  I got it from my neighbors because their son who is 3 months older than Carson doesn't play with it. So they just gave it to us.  It is in great condition and Carson loves it.  He loves taking all his cars and sending them down the ramps.  Great deal huh!

He got clothes from my parents!  Thanks again mom and dad.

He loves his basketball and hoop also from us.  When he makes a basket, he claps his hands and shouts, "I did it!"

And last, but not least, he got a balance bike from his other grandparents.  Thanks again Kory and Darlene!  Carson loves his bike as well and loves to get his helmet on to ride it.

Such a happy boy!

Carson at 2 years old...

He still loves his mom the most.  He throws a fit when I leave the room and screams until he finds me.

If I leave the house or take him anywhere to get baby sat, he screams with delight when I get back.

Carson has great motor skills, including, jumping climbing, throwing, etc.

He is the little boy in nursery that every nursery leader would dread having because he throws his cup of water on the kids next to him and thinks he is so funny afterwards.  He steals the other kids snacks.  He just loves being the bully.

He is our little rooster without the cock-a-doodle-doo.  He wakes up at the crack of dawn say somewhere between 5:30 and 6:15.

Carson hardly takes a nap.  He sleeps for about 1 hour to an hour and a half, and when he wakes up from his nap, he is the most unhappy person I have ever met.  I wish I could just eliminate the nap and have him sleep in longer, but nothing helps.  No matter when I put him to bed he wakes up at the same time.

He is obsessed with his Utes blanket.  He loves to carry it wherever he goes.

Carson's favorite show is Go Diego Go.  Whenever he wants to watch it, he says, " a show, go, go go."

Other movies that he enjoys are Rio, Despicable Me and Toy Story 3.

Carson loves to swim.  The pool is probably his favorite place.  He blows bubbles, jumps in the water and goes under, lets me put him under the water and loves every minute of it.  He especially loves the water slide and say weeeeee the whole way down.  When we get to the bottom of the slide, he shouts, "Again!  Again!"

Carson has such a love for life and enjoys and is fascinated with everything around him.  He sure keeps me on my toes, keeps me super busy, makes me completely frustrated,  but I sure love him and love having him in my life.