Saturday, January 8, 2011


The day after Christmas, we had the wonderful opportunity of taking a trip to Hawaii. Chris' parents took their whole family. The plane ride there was long, but our kids did really well. Coming from freezing cold Utah and stepping outside into perfect 80 degree weather was wonderful. It was great being able to wear shorts, t-shirts and flip flops.

Our hotel was on Waikiki beach. It was absolutely beautiful. We a few times playing in the ocean and building sand castles. We also went snorkeling, we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center and took a hike to a waterfall. We also visited the north shore and watched surfers on like 40 foot waves.

Carson chilling on the beach.

Hanging out on the north shore.

The Polynesian Cultural Center.

I just loved getting pictures of Carson in his stroller.

Cool boat.
Cool statue.
Hang Loose.

Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay. This was so much fun because the fish were so bright and colorful and we got to swim with a sea turtle.

Kelli and her cousin Porter
Just chillin'.
Beautiful scenery.

Hiking to the waterfall. The hike was a lot of fun and also treacherous because there was a ton of mud which was the most slippery mud I have ever been on. We were constantly slipping and sliding the whole hike.
More beautiful scenery. The mountains in Hawaii are incredible.The waterfall. This picture didn't turn out like I thought it would. The waterfall was a lot prettier than it looks in the picture.

Kelli on the beach.
And I just loved this picture of Carson with his grandma.
We flew back home the night of the 3rd and got back home the morning of the 4th. We were exhausted, but the trip was well worth it. We came from beautiful beaches, spectacular mountains and wonderful weather to freezing weather and 2 feet of new snow at our home. One extreme to the next. Thanks again Kory and Darlene for such a wonderful trip! We had such a great time!


  1. How fun!! I didn't know you were going. Didn't you just love the Polynesian Cultural Center? That was my favorite part of the trip when I went. PS- Carson is getting so big! We need to get together again!!

  2. oh wow... that looks and sounds divine!

  3. I am so jealous! I have never been to Hawaii. It looks gorgeous! I'm sure you got an amazing tan (remember when we would tan for like a month straight before prom!? I'm certain I've git skin cancer somewhere!) I can't believe how big Carson is getting! I just think he is so stinkin cute! I'm glad you had a great Christmas. And did I mention how nice it was to see you over thanksgiving? well, it was really nice to see you! :)

  4. I would trade this cold and inversion for Hawaii any day- what a fun vacay! Your kids are getting so big, too- I can't believe it!

  5. Sounds like a fun trip.

    I missed your last post, but that painting is BEAUTIFUL!!!! What a talent. You should do more.
