Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kelli's fish

Kelli has some fish. She has 2 black fish, 2 orange colored fish and one algae fish. Back on Christmas eve, the 2 black fish had babies. These fish have live births. I was cleaning out the fish tank and I noticed a black floating thing. I thought, "that's gross, I better get rid of that." I looked closer and it was a baby fish. Chris and I noticed that one of the fish was having babies. And they were so tiny. I thought for sure they wouldn't make it. Usually the bigger fish will eat the baby fish. Anyway, there were 5 baby fish. It turns out that 4 of them are alive and getting big. One didn't make it. But it has been a lot of fun watching them grow. They have been living under the rocks for most of their life, now they swim around with all the other fish.

You can kind of see the baby fish in these pictures. It was kind of hard to get a good enough picture.


  1. That is so cool that her fish had baby fish. My kids would love that. I hope life is going well for you all. Just wanted to say hello.
